Sunday, March 3, 2019

"The Messenger Hermes Remembers" plays in 2 Film Festivals for March 2019


The Messenger Hermes Remembers, a short film
by Algis Kemezys, screens internationally

Byron Ayanoglu's production of Algis Kemezys' film THE MESSENGER HERMES REMEMBERS is being screened twice in film-fests during March. It will be shown in Venice at the First International Hermetic Film Festival on the 7th of March as part of a double-bill gala opening night; and again on March 26th at the TLC Chinese Theater in Hollywood as an official selection of the Golden State Film Festival. The film, which was shot in multiple locations, from Greece to India to Mexico, as well as at home-base in the Laurentians, stars Algis himself, Nina Korey and Paul William Roberts.
FHIF Hermes is Algis's fifth film. All of his previous work has earned laurels world-wide. His documentaries, Mimetoliths and Master-Class with Walter Lassally were extensively shown and had distribution deals. Previous to film-making, Algis had notable success as a fine-art photographer with exhibitions in major galleries in New York City, Mumbai, Athens and across Canada, his home base. It all started when he was hired to assist photographic doyenne Berenice Abbott chronicle and print her life's work for a retrospective, when she was eighty and he, twenty one.
The twenty-four minute Hermes, already an official selection of this year's festivals in Melbourne, Barcelona, Sicily, Rome and Pune is a fanciful musing on the life and times of the messenger of the gods. Now old, but as always seeking the approval of his Olympian father Zeus, he wields his caduceus to recapture his own precocious youth, when he was testing the limits of his powers and yearning for eternal love -- with himself.
Filmed in many locations around the globe, most stunningly in the Hellenistic temples and mystical antiquities of Greece and Aegean Turkey, the story weaves in and out of the past and the present, to lead the viewer on a delightful voyage into the origins of myth.
A distinguished cast, headed by the majestic Paul William Roberts, animates the story with entertaining, sure-footed performances.

Contact: , 
or by phone:  52-1-322-205-9994 (in Mexico)

This is the link to the trailer: 
Thank you for your attention.


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